West Wales Domestic Abuse Service

We provide a free, confidential service throughout Ceredigion to anybody suffering or experiencing domestic abuse regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation or financial circumstances.

When you contact us we will talk to you about your situation and agree what support you need. This can include anything from providing refuge, giving you information on benefits and housing, providing emotional support through our Floating Support service or referring you onto one of our group programmes such as the Recovery Toolkit or Freedom Programme or referring you for counselling. Your safety is of paramount concern to us and we will always do our best to help you form a plan that will help you feel safer.

6 Bridge Street, 6 Bridge Street, Cardigan, SA43 1HY

Cefnogaeth Symudol yn ystod y gwasanaethau a gynigiwn i unigolion sy'n profi neu wedi profi cam-drin domestig, ond nid ydynt ar hyn o bryd yn byw mewn lloches.

Ein Gwasanaethau Symudol yn anelu at eich galluogi i deimlo'n d...

6 Bridge Street, 6 Bridge Street, Cardigan, SA43 1HY

Cymorth cynhwysfawr ar gyfer unrhyw un a effeithir gan gamdriniaeth ddomestigLlinell gymorth 24 awr: 01970 625 585 Mewn argyfwng, er enghraifft os ydych chi neu unrhyw un o'ch teulu mewn perygl dybryd, bob amser yn ffonio'r h...