Brain Tumour Support

Brain Tumour Support in Wales is uniquely dedicated to providing support for anyone affected by ANY type of brain tumour, at any point from diagnosis and for as long as support is needed.
We are here not just for the patients themselves, but also families, carers and loved ones who are dealing day to day with the impact of a brain tumour.
We provide specialist, tailored services through one-to-one support (*August 2020- face-to-face support is unfortunately temporarily suspended due to Covid 19 ) and group support, being provided through the online platform Zoom, as well telephone support and specialist counselling
The origins of the charity lie in one family’s own devastating experience of a brain tumour diagnosis. A tough journey but one which resulted in a pioneering support service which has developed over the course of fifteen years through the hard work of its team and the dedication of supporters and fundraisers.
The charity now also works in partnership with Macmillan Wales which has enabled the support services to further expand into South East Wales.
Moving forward we determine more than ever to make real our vision that no-one feels alone in their experience of coping with a brain tumour.

29A High Street, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 2AR

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
In order to protect the well-being of all those we support, and following the rapidly changing situation around the coronavirus (COVID-19), Brain Tumour Support has suspended all support group m...