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Glyndwr Community Centre - List of Activities


Visitable Address

22 Glyndwr Road Penarth CF64 3ND

Cyfeiriad post

22 Glyndwr Road Penarth CF64 3ND

Monday: Tai Chi with Christie (02929 206042) 10:30am - 11:30am, Bliss Dancers 5.30 to 9.30pm contact Laura Barnes on 07545 696760
Tuesday: Play group for Babies and Toddlers contact Amy on 07940 429864, Penarth and District War Games 6 to 9 pm contact Paul Munkenbeck 07757190762
Wednesday: Penarth Ageing Well Club 10.30 to 12.30pm contact Jean Walker on 07960 500214, PODYS late afternoon at
Thursday: Moo Music 10 to 11.30am please contact Kirsty at
Saturday: African Drumming with Dan Phelps 10:15 - 11:30am call 07974 635502 for info, Penarth & District War Games 10:00am - 5:00pm (First Saturday in month), see the same contact as above.
Sunday: KeyCreate contact Dave on 07810 018165

Please contact the Community Centre for more information and to check the above is still accurate.