

Cafwyd hyd i 4203 gwasanaethau

Darparwyd gan Rhos Community Cafe Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrecsam
46 Market Street, Rhosllanerchrugog, ,
01978 447477

Our Community cafe has worked as a registered charity for a number of years serving the local area. Most recently this support was needed to address food poverty in the form of a food bank that we set up within...

Darparwyd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Gogledd Cymru - Rhoi Seibiant i Ofalwyr Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Colwyn Bay, Powys
Quinton Hazell Enterprise Park, Glan y Wern Rd, Colwyn Bay, LL28 5BS
01492 542212

Os ydych yn gofalu am aelod o'ch teulu, partner, plentyn neu gyfaill, gallwn gynnig gwasanaethau seibiant ymarferol yn eich cartref i adael i chi gael egwyl o'ch rôl ofalu. Bydd pob defnyddiwr gwasanaeth yn derbyn gwasanaeth...

Darparwyd gan Seibiant Tymor Byr i Ofalwyr sydd ag Angen Iechyd Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Colwyn Bay, Conwy
Quinton Hazell Enterprise Parc, Glan-y-Wern Road, Colwyn Bay,
01492 542212

Rydym wedi ariannu gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr i roi cymorth seibiant i adael i ofalwyr ofalu am eu hanghenion iechyd eu hunain, p'un a oes angen iddynt fynd i apwyntiad ysbyty neu i weld meddyg teulu, cael tri...

Darparwyd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Gogledd Cymru - Gofal Gwalia Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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01492 542212

Mae Gwalia Care yn wasanaeth taladwy gan Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Gogledd Cymru sy'n cynnig gwasanaeth cyson a dibynadwy o safon uchel.

Gallwn ddarparu:

Seibiant i'r gofalwyr
Gofal personol

Darparwyd gan Gypsies and Travellers Wales Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Cardiff, Powys
Trowbridge Community Centre, Caernarvon Way, Cardiff, CF3 1TN
02920 214411

Mae Gypsies and Travellers Wales yn elusen fach a sefydlwyd ym 1981.

Nod GTW yw cefnogi a galluogi Sipsiwn a Theithwyr i sicrhau ansawdd bywyd uchel a chynaliadwy, yn eu diwylliant eu hunain, trwy wella mynediad...

Darparwyd gan Barry Island Community Hall Zumba Gold Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Barry, Bro Morgannwg
2 Earl Crescent, , Barry, CF62 5TS

This weekly exercise class at Barry Island Community Hall on Mondays at 10:15am is perfect for older people who are looking for a modified Zumba class that covers all of the classic Zumba moves but with a lower intensity. <...

Darparwyd gan Dawns ar gyfer Parkinsons Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Cardiff, Caerdydd
The Dance House, Pierhead Street, Cardiff, CF10
029 2063 5600

Yn cael eu rhedeg gan Gwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru, mae dosbarthiadau Dawns ar gyfer Parkinson's yn hwyl ac yn anffurfiol.

Profwyd bod dawns yn datblygu hyder a chryfder, tra'n rhyddhau rhai cyfranogwyr dros dro...

Darparwyd gan MAPS Plus, Partneriaeth Parc Caia Cyf Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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Ditch chi'n 16-24?
Ddim mewn Cyflogaeth, Addysg neu Hyfforddiant ar hyn o'r bryd?
Hoffen weithio gyda chi i’ch helpu i oresgyn unrhyw rwysrau sydd gennych i gyflawni eich nodau.
Rydym yn cynnig

Darparwyd gan Scotty's Little Soldiers Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
, , ,
08000 928 571

Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a charity dedicated to supporting bereaved military children and young people.

Our Mission:
To provide relief from the effects of bereavement to young people who have experienced th...

Darparwyd gan Llanteg Village Hall Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Narberth, Sir Benfro Celfyddydau / Diwylliant / Treftadaeth
Llanteg Hall, Llanteg, Narberth, SA67 8QE
07557 567326

Meets every two weeks at Llanteg Hall to work on their own craft projects and share ideas.

Darparwyd gan Llanteg Village Hall Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Narberth, Sir Benfro Cymuned
Llanteg Hall, Llanteg, Narberth, SA67 8QE
07557 567326

The Community Library at Llanteg Village Hall.
Current opening times are: every other Wednesday from 2-4pm, Friday from 10-12noon and 2nd and 4th Mondays from 10-12noon.
The Book Swap in the telephone box at Llanteglos is a...

Darparwyd gan Llanteg Village Hall Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Narberth, Sir Benfro Cymuned
Llanteg Hall, Llanteg, Narberth, SA67 8QE

Held once a month during winter months - for children and adults.

Darparwyd gan Friends And Neighbours (FAN) Groups - Swansea Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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FAN Stands for Friends and Neighbours

FAN groups are weekly meetings where people sit in a circle and talk about a chosen topic.

At FAN meetings you can

make friends
meet new people from...

Darparwyd gan Association of Disabled Professionals (ADP) Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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Nationwide provision of ,employment and self-employment advice, and peer support, where disabled people can seek advice and support from another disabled person. Our services include the provision of employment advice, inform...

Darparwyd gan Race Equality First: Healthy Minds Project, Counselling Service Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Cardiff, Powys
113-116 Bute Street, , Cardiff, CF10 5EQ
029 2048 6207

Our counselling service offers an opportunity for users to talk with a counsellor about issues they might be experiencing such as; anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, low confidence levels, managing difficult situations or struggli...

Darparwyd gan Cymdeithas Frenhinol Plant Dall Gwasanaeth ar gael yn London, Powys
Life Without Limits Centre, 10 Lower Thames St, London, EC3R 6AF
0203 198 0225

Ers dros 150 o flynyddoedd, mae Cymdeithas Frenhinol Plant Deillion (The Royal Society for Blind Children) (a elwid gynt yn Gymdeithas Frenhinol y Deillion (The Royal Blind Society)) wedi bod yn helpu plant a phobl ifanc dall...

Darparwyd gan Same but Different: Cost of Living Support Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Mold, Sir y Fflint
The Old Chapel, 91 Wrexham Street, Mold,
01352 757007

We know that there are many families affected by rare diseases and disabilities who are struggling with the cost of living crisis… and we want to help you.

That’s why, working alongside our partners, we’ve created...

Darparwyd gan Wrexham Futsal Youth Development Sector Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Glyndwr University Sports Hall, Mold Rd, Wrexham,
01978 263125

Our aim is to provide opportunities for children to learn the game of futsal, in a fun friendly enviroment.

Devoted to developing Futsal skills and techniques in young players across North Wales. Come and learn Fu...

Darparwyd gan Barry Community Choir Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Barry Island, Bro Morgannwg
Breaksea Drive, Behind Ty Hapus, Barry Island, CF62

We are a community choir - male and female singers, young and not so young! Our age range is from 30's to over 80! This proves that anyone at any age can sing. We like to think we are many people with one voice. We normal...

Darparwyd gan Community Agent - Glyn Ceiriog and surrounding areas Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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Community Agents are an innovative response to a recognised need that many people living in our communities are unable to connect with key services that help and maintain well-being and support their quality of life.