

Cafwyd hyd i 4468 gwasanaethau

Darparwyd gan Supportline Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Romford, Powys
PO Box 2860, , Romford, RM7
01708 765200

SupportLine offers confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post. We work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increa...

Darparwyd gan SHARE (Self Harm Peer Support) - Bridgend Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Bridgend, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Union Offices, Quarella Road, Bridgend,

SHARE (Self-Harm Awareness Recovery and Education) is a user-led peer support group that provides support, information and workshops to people who self-harm, their friends and families and professionals.

Darparwyd gan Flintshire Empowering Parents Empowering Communities Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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Hoffech chi ddarganfod mwy am sut i gefnogi eich plentyn? Mae grwpiau Bod yn Rhiant am ddim i ymuno â nhw ac yn cael eu rhedeg yn rhithiol a hefyd wyneb yn wyneb. Mae ein grwpiau yn unigryw i eraill gan eu bod yn cael eu rhed...

Darparwyd gan Criced Cymru Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
, , ,
029 2041 9341

Mae Criced Cymru yn un o 39 o Fyrddau Criced Sirol sy’n rhan o Fwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (yr ECB) ac mae hefyd yn cael ei gydnabod gan Chwaraeon Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru fel y Corff Llywodraethu Cenedlaethol ar gyfer crice...

Darparwyd gan Rhosllannerchrugog Clwb Celf Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Princes Road, Rhosllanerchrugog, Wrexham,

Dewch i ymuno â Chlwb Celf Rhosllannerchrugog a phrofi sesiynau celf yn Llyfrgell Rhos bob dydd Llun
Wrth fynychu'r grŵp celf hwn byddwch yn mwynhau'r cyfle i archwilio a defnyddio dyfrlliwiau a chreu eich campwaith eich...

Darparwyd gan Dynamic Voice Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
, , ,
01978 263656

Dynamic Voice is a group for children/young people who come together to have their say and a voice on matters that affect them. The sessions include debates, responding to consultations, developing decision making skills. The...

Darparwyd gan Adferiad Swansea Seibiant Service Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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We support people with mental health needs and their carers. We do this through community groups e.g. walking group, carers group and 1:1 sessions in the community. We help people learn new skills or gain confidence so that t...

Darparwyd gan Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Mental Health Recovery Project Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Caerdydd
96-98 Neville Street, , , CF11 6LS
029 2036 8888

Diverse Cymru provides a recovery based project for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people living across Wales who are affected by mental ill health.

We use solution focused methods to promote recovery, empowermen...

Darparwyd gan Children and Families Cymru (St Giles Trust) Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Cardiff, Powys
Unit 8, Coopers Yard, Cardiff, CF10 5NB
02920 496363

The overall aim of the project is to empower families to create positive futures for the children within their families we aim to break any cycles such as offending, poverty and unemployment.
The project has 2 elements -...

Darparwyd gan NEWCIS (Sir Ddinbych) Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Rhyl, Powys
Morfa Clwyd Business Centre, Marsh Road, Rhyl,
01745 331181

NEWCIS yw'r darparwr mwyaf o wasanaethau gofalwyr yng Nghymru - darparu gwybodaeth, cefnogaeth un i un, eiriolaeth, hyfforddiant a chynghori i ofalwyr sy'n darparu cymorth di-dâl i deulu neu ffrindiau sy'n byw yng Ngogledd Dd...

Darparwyd gan NEWCIS - Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Gofalwyr Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru (Wrecsam) Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
3A Edison Court , Wrexham Technology Park, Wrexham,
01978 423114

NEWCIS yw'r darparwr mwyaf o wasanaethau gofalwyr yng Nghymru - darparu gwybodaeth, cefnogaeth un i un, eiriolaeth, hyfforddiant a chynghori i ofalwyr sy'n darparu cymorth di-dâl i deulu neu ffrindiau sy'n byw yng Ngogledd Dd...

Darparwyd gan Glamorgan Archives Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Cardiff, Caerdydd
Clos Parc Morgannwg, , Cardiff, CF11 8AW
029 2087 2200

Archives collects preserves and makes accessible records relating to central south east Wales. We collect records relating to the history of Glamorgan and its people. Records can range from papers, plans, photographs, parchme...

Darparwyd gan Community Agent - Llay Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Whitchurch Road , Penley, Wrexham,
01948 830242

Community Agents are an innovative response to a recognised need that many people living in our communities are unable to connect with key services that help and maintain well-being and support their quality of life.

Darparwyd gan Community Agent - ACTON Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Whitchurch Road , Penley, Wrexham,
01948 830242

Community Agents are an innovative response to a recognised need that many people living in our communities are unable to connect with key services that help and maintain well-being and support their quality of life.

Darparwyd gan Community Agent - BORRAS Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Whitchurch Road , Penley, Wrexham,
01948 830242

Community Agents are an innovative response to a recognised need that many people living in our communities are unable to connect with key services that help and maintain well-being and support their quality of life.

Darparwyd gan Nightingale House Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Cardiff, Powys
213-215 Newport Road, , Cardiff, CF24 1AJ
029 20434455

Llety Tai â Chymorth yw Nightingale House. Rydym yn darparu llety brys, dros dro i deuluoedd digartref. Gwneir yr holl atgyfeiriadau gan Dîm Opsiynau Tai Dinas Caerdydd. Yn ogystal â darparu’r llety, rydym hefyd yn darparu ce...

Darparwyd gan Friends and Neighbours group (FAN) Barry - Mondays 2pm Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Barry, Bro Morgannwg
Library, Kings Square, Barry, CF63

FAN Stands for Friends and Neighbours

FAN groups are weekly meetings where people sit in a circle and talk about a chosen topic.

At FAN meetings you can:

Make friends
Meet new people from...

Darparwyd gan Family Liaison Officer Service Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Newport, Powys
South Gwent Childrens Centre, Serennu, Cwrt Camlas, Newport, NP10 9LY
01633 748092

The Family Liaison Officer Role is to support and help families living in Gwent who have a child or young person who is undergoing diagnosis or has a diagnosis of a disability or developmental difficulty.

we can...

Darparwyd gan Memory Lane Clwb Cymdeithasol Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Caerdydd
36-38 Cathays Terrace, , , CF24 4HX

Mae'r Memory Lane Clwb Cymdeithasol yn glwb gweithgareddau sy'n ystyriol o ddementia ar gyfer y rhai yr effeithir arnynt gan ddementia a'u gofalwyr.

Mae'r gweithgareddau'n cynnwys bowlio dan do, ffilmiau, cerddoria...

Darparwyd gan Chargers Running Club Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Caerdydd
Penhill Road, , ,

A free and friendly social running club, offering weekly running sessions in Cardiff. We meet outside Café Castan every Monday at 7pm for our regular session. This is an all abilities, social run.