Free mental health activities and wellbeing for ex-military personnel and their families. Outdoor and indoor activities, wellbeing coaching and minfulness.
Ruskin Mill Trust colleges provide specialist further education facilities and services for young people aged between 16 and 25, who are unable to access mainstream further educational provision in their local college because...
Service provided by volunteers in an educational setting whereby a trained dog and their owner attend and sit with pupils to listen and encourage them to read.
Wellbeing and mental health services to adults in Monmouthshire.
Free friendship calls for the over-50s.
Would you - or someone you know - love to talk to someone every week?
What is Check in & Chat?
Check in & Chat is a free telephone befriending service for matching volunteers wit...
Caiff prosiect Mamwlad ei gyflwyno gan Gofal a Thrwsio ym Mhowys ac Age Cymru Powys a’i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Mae’n wasanaeth i helpu pobl dros 50 oed yn y gymuned ffermio - p’un ai’n ffermwyr, gweithwyr fferm neu...
Gall gofalu fod yn werth chweil, ond gall hefyd deimlo'n yn ynysu neu'n heriol ar adegau. Mae'r Gwasanaeth Cymorth Gwrando yn cynnig cyfres o alwadau ffôn gyda rhywun sy'n deall busnesau ac i lawr gofalu ac sy'n gallu darparu...
Er mwyn helpu i roi’r cychwyn gorau posibl mewn bywyd i blant, mae Home-Start yn cefnogi rhieni wrth iddynt fagu hyder, cryfhau eu perthynas â’u plant, ac ehangu eu cysylltiadau â’r gymuned leol. Mae Home-Start yn cynnig cefn...
WI is an organisation providing friendship and learning opportunities for women of all ages on many subjects, Also providing opportunities to join in discussions on health and public affairs.
Rydym yn cyfanwerthu blychau rhanedig cost isel o ansawdd uchel o sgriwiau, gosodiadau a chaledwedd, stoc clirio dalennau to ac inswleiddio i grwpiau Cymunedol a busnesau bach
South Pembs Golf Club is very generously providing FREE GOLF sessions for people living with dementia.
You can decide if you want to stay on the practice greens or go out on the course for a few holes.
An opportunity for people living with dementia to enjoy the extensive Stackpole Gardens and to maintain or learn new gardening skills by volunteering at Stackpole Gardens.
The Strength Academy Wales at their fitness centre in Haverfordwest are providing free health and fitness activities for people living with dementia, their carers, families and friends.
Rydym yn sefydliad a arweinir gan weithgaredd i unrhyw un nad yw'n gweithio'n llawn amser mwyach sy'n darparu ystod eang o gyfleoedd i ddod ynghyd i ddysgu am hwyl. Mae'r aelodau'n archwilio syniadau, sgiliau a gweithgareddau...
Mental Health Peer Support Group. We aim to bring our members out of isolation, to help them reconnect with family and community, to stamp out the stigma attached to mental illness, to help alleviate sickness and improve heal...
The Out of Work Peer Mentoring service offers one-to-one support as you find your way back into work, delivered by peer mentors who understand the challenges you’re facing. They can work with you to find the volunteering, tra...
Mae'r llinell Gymorth wedi'i Ail-lenwi ar agor 9 i 5 ar ddydd Llun a dydd Mawrth bob wythnos a gall fod ar gael ar amser sy'n gyfleus i'r ddwy ochr y tu allan i'r oriau hyn. Ei bwrpas yw cerdded ochr yn ochr â'r rhai sydd wed...
Mae Cymuned Artis yn darparu profiadau celfyddydol o ansawdd uchel yn cael eu symbylu gan ganlyniadau cymdeithasol. Credwn yng ngrym trawsffurfiol creadigrwydd i wneud gwir wahaniaeth i ansawdd bywydau pobl.
Mae partneriaeth...
Mae TEDx yn fenter llawr gwlad, a grëwyd yn ysbryd cenhadaeth gyffredinol TED i ymchwilio a darganfod “syniadau sy’n werth eu lledaenu.” Mae TEDx yn dod ag ysbryd TED i gymunedau lleol ledled y byd trwy ddigwyddiadau TEDx. Tr...
We work to preserve the built environment and, increasingly, the natural environment of Penarth. We run a variety of projects such as the Beach Wardens who help keep our beach clean.