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Cardiff Chess Club

Darparwyd gan
Cardiff Chess Club

Darparwyd gan
Cardiff Chess Club


Visitable Address

Plas Newydd Community Hall 2 Shakespeare Street CF24 3ES

Cyfeiriad post

Plas Newydd Community Hall 2 Shakespeare Street CF24 3ES

Whether you're a beginner or a champion at chess, it is a brilliant way to meet people, make friends while also testing your mental agility. Cardiff Chess Club aims to promote and facilitate the playing of Chess in and around Wales. We cater for all ability levels, from beginners up to international players. Membership of Cardiff Chess Club is open to players of all standards, although please note that we do not teach the game from scratch.

We meet at YMCA Plasnewydd, 2 Shakespeare Street, Cardiff, CF24 3ES on a Wednesday evening at 7.15pm onwards.