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Gofal a Thrwsio Sir Gar - Ymdopi'n Well



0300 111 3333

We offer free information and practical help for older people, particularly with hearing or sight loss, dementia, or if you just need help to stay safe at home and manage better. Managing Better caseworkers have particular expertise in the impact of sight loss, hearing loss and/or dual sensory loss and how this affects people at home in terms of their personal safety, independence and well-being and will provide advice and support around this.If you are aged 50 and over, are a home owner, live in private rented accommodation or live in Social Housing, our Managing Better Caseworker can provide free advice and support to help you secure necessary home repairs & adaptations.
How we can help you:
-Free home visiting service
-Home safety check
-Help you reduce risk of falls
-Help reduce risks in your home to assist you to live independently and safely
-Check what benefits you're entitled to
-Help you access other services
-Boost your confidence and reduce feelings of isolation