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Gofalwyr Cymru - Hyrwyddwyr y gweithle


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Unit 5 Ynys Bridge Court Cardiff CF15 9SS

1 in 7 people in the workplace combine work with caring for someone. Many of them don’t know where to turn to for help.

As a Workplace Champion, you are the vital link between Carers Wales and your colleagues. You’ll spread the word about caring and raise awareness of Carers Wales in your workplace.

By promoting events and campaigns, you’ll be able to signpost those looking for support to the services and expert information on offer

Within your workplace, you’ll signpost colleagues to relevant
information, advice and resources so they may find the most appropriate support. As a ‘champion’ you’ll liaise with colleagues to ensure they're aware of the challenges unpaid caring may
bring to those in your place of work.

Volunteering as a Workplace Champion is a great opportunity to meet new colleagues, develop your organisational skills, get creative and make a real difference to carers' lives.