Côr Caerfyrddin

Darparwyd gan
Côr Caerfyrddin

Darparwyd gan
Côr Caerfyrddin


07528 719 343

The Carmarthen Male Voice Choir
has been an integral part of the music scene in Carmarthen and its neighbouring villages for over half a century and, during that time, has travelled widely to such countries as Brittany, Germany, Holland, Canada, and Ireland (2016).

Although the choir plays an important role in supporting local charities, it also makes time to participate in the festival for male choirs in the Albert Hall, London (2014) and to hold its own concert in Carmarthen, the highlight of the choir’s calendar. In the past, the choir has had success at the National Eisteddfod.

In 2015 the choir’s first-ever music CD was recorded at Holy Trinity, Pontargothi. The CD includes many traditional and modern male voice choral favourites.

The choristers, the majority of whom have Welsh as their first language, represent a good cross section of occupations and professions. While they are all amateurs, their love of singing and their enthusiasm is apparent both in their rehearsals and their public performances.