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Cwmcarn OAP and Welfare Association - Friday Get Together


Visitable Address

69 Newport Road Cwmcarn Newport NP11 7LZ

Cyfeiriad post

69 Newport Road Cwmcarn Newport


We are a friendly group of people who enjoy getting together for a good giggle and a natter over a nice hot cup of tea/coffee.

There is a weekly raffle and all members bring a prize, tickets are 50p Most enjoy a game of bingo; we play 4 games at a cost of £1 and can win a bar of chocolate!

We organise a variety of things to do throughout the year to keep us busy and give us reason to beat that feeling of loneliness. Come and join us to have a say in your local activities and be a part of your community once again. We often decide to have lunch together from local cafe's or takeaways which each individual pays for.

To hire the hall, please speak with Elunid on 07874233329