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Free music videos for the elderly in care homes

My name is ‘Britt’ and I am a regular singer in care homes.

In light of COVID-19 and in order to stay in touch with ‘my’ lovely residents I am offering a free service for care homes in lockdown. I have recorded a series of eight music videos (1920s-70s) that can be accessed on YouTube. They have been very well received by the care homes and the feedback is that it helps to keep up the resident’s spirits.

Of course, this is not only of use for care homes, these can be accessed from anyone all over the country and I would be delighted if I could contribute to the well-being of as many people as possible.
I can also provide a DVD. Please see my Facebook for costs/details.

The videos are free. However, a donation is welcome but please do not feel obliged. If you'd like to make a donation then please get in touch via my Facebook page.