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Innovate Trust Ltd

Darparwyd gan
Innovate Trust Ltd

Darparwyd gan
Innovate Trust Ltd


Cyfeiriad post

433 Cowbridge Road East Cardiff CF5 1JH

We provide services to enable disabled people to live independently in the community. The services we provide include: supported living, emergency accommodation, respite care, day activities, vocational training, voluntary work and leisure activities. We are currently trialing the use of smart technology to assist people to live more independently. We have developed a digital application called Insight which is used extensively by people supported by us and also by disabled people more widely to communicate and to show individual and group activities via photo and video footage of a range of activities both real and virtual. This proved to be of immense benefit during the Covid 19 pandemic, in keeping people in touch with their friends, family and professionals who are interested in their wellbeing.

We are on the Vale of Glamorgan Council's Approved Provider List.