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More in Common Llantwit Major


Visitable Address

Station Road Llantwit Major CF61

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Station Road Llantwit Major CF61 1ST

We encourage connection and community building. We run free events to support social inclusion and to build strong links within our community and its surrounding area. Since the 1st Great Get Together in 2017, we have run 20 different kinds of event/activities including local and Great Winter Together, Great Walk Together, PoetryFest for our community in and around Llantwit Major. We set up and ran the free loneliness initiative Chatty Cafe for 5 years, growing from a single 1 hour session monthly to 3 2-hr sessions to regularly reach 50+ people, including those most affected by the cost of living crisis. Today, we run a year-round inclusive community programme including regular More in Common Socials and a More in Common Book Club as well as collaborating on pop up community events. We aim to provide all activities free of charge. We have no core funding.