New motherhood is often imagined to be a time of great joy, happiness and excitement. However the reality for many mums can be far from this, with low moods, anxiety and worrying thoughts and feelings.
Mums Matter supports mums to manage the everyday, nurture themselves and dispel the many myths of motherhood through their 6 week course and accompanying social group. The Mums Matter course can help:
-Lower unrealistic ‘perfect mum’ expectations.
-Develop strategies for well-being.
-Quiet the mind and reduce over thinking.
-Build connections with other mums.
The course is for all mums with babies and children under the age of 2 ½ years old. There is a creche available provided by Little Cwtch.
You can access the Mums Matter service by self referral, a referral from a medical professional or other agency/ organisation. Referrals can be made through our referral form, or by emailing/ speaking to a member of the Family Team. 01874 611529
Please call 01874 611529 or email
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