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Darparwyd gan

Darparwyd gan


Visitable Address

69B Splott Road CF24 2BW

Cyfeiriad post

69B Splott Road CF24 2BW

AT OASIS, WE OFFER ASYLUM SEEKERS AND REFUGEES A WARM WELSH WELCOME! We welcome around 150 people into our building per day, which equates to over 3,500 people supported by Oasis every year.

Oasis started in 2008 and operates as an essential hub for sanctuary seekers in the heart of Cardiff. We are a buzzing community of many nationalities, cultures, experiences, skills, challenges, successes, and food - lots of food! We are wholeheartedly committed to creating an environment of inclusivity and compassion, where people feel safe and welcomed.

Oasis provides a wide range of holistic, free services for sanctuary seekers which operate on a drop-in basis. We run various women-only sessions and groups, art classes, English language classes, daily advisory sessions, casework support, cultural visits and the list goes on, oh and we provide free lunch every weekday and it’s always delicious!