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Old School, Sully

Darparwyd gan
Old School, Sully

Darparwyd gan
Old School, Sully


Visitable Address

Old School House 3 South Road Penarth CF64 5TG

Cyfeiriad post

Old School House 3 South Road Penarth CF64 5TG


029 2053 1705

The Old School is operated by Sully Church to provide a hall and meeting rooms to serve the needs of the whole of the community of Sully. Activities include:
Love to sing, U3A Handbells, yoga, Old school leisure painters, Sully painting group, Anthea King school of dance, Slimming World, Turn'd up fitness with Gabi, Adult dance class, Sully Bridge club, Pilates, Old School drop in coffee, Musical Theatre, Tai Chi, U3A Guitar group, Helen O'Grady Drama Classes and U3A Ipads group,