SCVS Swansea Youth Bank

Swansea Youth Bank is a youth led, grant giving panel that provides grants to groups of young people to develop and run their own community projects across the City and County of Swansea.

Eligibility for Swansea Youth Bank Grants:

The project must take place in or benefit Swansea
The project must be fully youth-led (ran at all levels by young people). If all of the young people are under the age of 18, there must be an adult to have accountability (18+)
Your group must be made up of at least 3 people between the ages of 11-25
Your project will encourage and support youth volunteering (not necessarily new opportunities)
Your project must have a positive impact on the wider community
You have formed a group and have a set of rules
Swansea Youth Bank has been set up thanks to a partnership between Swansea Council for Voluntary Service and Swansea's Youth Service.