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Grwp Cymorth Lwpws Caerdydd



01708 731251

Cardiff Lupus Group is a part of the national charity LUPUS UK. We provide support for those with lupus, their families and friends in and around Cardiff and South Wales.

LUPUS UK supports people affected by any form of lupus, provides high quality patient information and organises regional support group meetings as well as providing grants for Specialist Lupus Nurses in NHS Hospitals and funding research. Our Cardiff Lupus group has been running for almost 6 years now and has been providing regular meetings and activities for anyone with lupus in the area.

Our next in-person meeting will be in July 2024- for further details, please get in touch with the group (Contact details).

Our next online meetings will be on Tuesday 25th June 2024 at 7pm and Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at 7pm. For login details, please get in touch with the group (Contact details).

We won't have meetings in August (2024). We're back in September!