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Deafblind Cymru Social Group - Wrexham


Visitable Address

10 Holt Street

Cyfeiriad post

10 Holt Street

Our Support and Social Groups bring deafblind people together for companionship, to enjoy activities, share advice and tips, and have fun together.

In North Wales, we currently have groups based in Llandudno, Rhyl and Wrexham

The Wrexham area group meets at Ty AVOW, 21 Egerton Street, Wrexham LL11 1ND (near the Miners Sculpture between the Bus Station and the Library), on the second Thursday of every month from 10:30am until 12:30pm.

Additional events and outings take place during the year.

New members and volunteers are always welcome - please just turn up or contact us for more details.