Gwybodaeth a ddarperir gan ein partner Dewis. Cliciwch yma i weld y wybodaeth ar Dewis.


Darparwyd gan

Darparwyd gan


Visitable Address

Huggard Buildings Hansen Street CF10 5DW

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Huggard Buildings Hansen Street CF10 5DE

Huggard works to tackle homelessness and improve individual wellbeing. We run an open access Intervention Centre, which is open 365 days a year, providing a hub of services, and a safe space, that meets the needs of, and provides opportunities to, people who are experiencing homelessness. We provide high quality hot meals, laundry and washing facilities, a clothes store, advocacy, housing and benefit advice, counselling, substance misuse support, volunteering and training opportunities. We also provide emergency accommodation, hostel accommodation and supported housing across Cardiff.