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Limbless Association


Visitable Address

Community Hall King George V Drive East CF14 4EP

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Community Hall King George V Drive East

The Limbless Association is a national charity that’s been supporting amputees for almost 40 years with information, advice and support. Our Hubs provide an opportunity to access information and support in person from the LA outreach team.
You can connect with fellow amputees, families and friends for an informal session of
information, support and refreshments with a sitting yoga taster thrown in too or come
along to see how you can get involved. Join us for part of or the whole session. No need to register but if you have any queries or would like to speak to a member of the outreach team prior to attending please contact us by emailing or call 01277 402331.
We look forward to seeing you on the first Thursday of the month 10 - 1pm at Heath Citizens Community Hall, Cardiff.