Gwybodaeth a ddarperir gan ein partner Dewis. Cliciwch yma i weld y wybodaeth ar Dewis.

The Wonky Donkey Cafe and Animal Sanctuary


Visitable Address

Llwyngwyddel Whitland SA34 0RB

Cyfeiriad post

Llwyngwyddel Whitland


07739 539789

Service Users will have the opportunity to help take care of all the farm animals on the farm, which includes mucking out, feeding, grooming along with animal enrichment activities, fencing repairs, making scarecrows, general maintenance and of course lots of animal cuddles!

In addition to the Farm activities there will also be sessions available in our Café. Here you will have the opportunity of serving customers, waiting tables, cleaning and food preparation. We will also be offering some craft sessions within the café in a relaxed environment to make friends and chat. Our sessions are based on an AM or PM option or of course All day should you wish.