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Ty Bronna - Church Army Cardiff


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Ty Bronna Clos Fairwater Cardiff CF5 3ER

Ty Bronna is the first stage of accommodation that Church Army Residential Services Cardiff offers, providing 24 hour supported housing for up to 13 young people aged 16-21 years old. Ty Bronna aims to equip young people with the skills they need to move on and be resettled into their own independent accommodation. With the input of a personal development support worker, each young person will participate in an individual needs led assessments focusing on their identified hopes and goals for future development, and each young person will embark on a personal development plan that will include participation in training/education, managing their own and the shared living space, budgeting management, personal development and all aspects of independent living skills development. Church Army Residential Services Cardiff also supports a number of young people living independently in the community.