Walking Well

Darparwyd gan
Walking Well

Darparwyd gan
Walking Well

Walking Well Carmarthenshire is an initiative which aims to encourage people of all ages and abilities to take advantage of the physical, social and mental health benefits offered by walking in groups of like-minded people. It does this by setting up Walking Well Carmarthenshire Walking Groups around the County.

Walking Well groups aim to fill in the gaps that exist in the availability of walking opportunities in Carmarthenshire. Walks are designed to suit the particular abilities of the members and usually start as strolls, moving on to gentle walks as fitness levels improve. As walkers get more experienced, they may also wish to participate in the more serious walks offered by Ramblers and others, but this is completely optional and all are welcome to stay with their Walking Well group for as long as they wish.

Each Group is led by a Group Leader assisted by a number of fully trained walk leaders. All group and walk leaders are trained in leading health walks by Am Dro Am Glonc Sir Gâr Public Health Wales and also have completed an appropriate First Aid Course delivered by British Red Cross.

Walking Well Carmarthenshire is co-ordinated by volunteer Andy Kurzfeld with the support of Group and Walk Leaders across the County. Three groups were set up in the first phase – in St Clears, Llanelli and Carmarthen. A wildlife group and a new group in Whitland were added in 2014. Project development is now the responsibility of Helen Williams, leaving Andy to provide overall co-ordination and central project support.