Our Aims are to:
encourage the participation of local people in the development of Pontarddulais, including Canolfan y Bont, ensuring long-term sustainability.
enabling community members to identify collective needs and identify gaps in services; develop and implement action.
supporting volunteer development within the community, supporting those accessing Canolfan y Bont for help with finding work or applying for benefits, accessing the food bank. Focus also on supporting older residents to remain independent, and establishing projects whereby young adults with learning disabilities have the chance to get involved and gain in confidence.
improve the quality of life for the community, developing services and promoting a sense of pride and community spirit;
improve the environment so that Pontarddulais is an attractive place to live, that recognises historical influences, offers a range of quality services and is a place that people choose to visit;
support and promote economic development locally to ensure that there are adequate job prospects;
improve communication and the involvement of a wide range of people including children and young people;
carry out effective evaluation for all activities undertaken by the organisation.
Provision of a community centre managed by volunteers offering opportunities for volunteering, project work including a food bank and cooking/food preparation scheme, charity shop, community cafe supporting people with learni...
A community cafe which support people with learning disabilities into the workplace. Open Monday to Thursday 9.30am-4.30pm and Friday 9.30am-3.30pm
An independent food bank provided by the Pontarddulais Partnership to support families and individuals at times of need. Runs every Wednesday between 12pm-4pm. Volunteer led