An open access centre, open 5 days a week that offers support and advice to people affected by drugs and / or alcohol. People do not need an appointment and there are always duty workers available to see them for help.
Providing harm reduction advice relating to drug and / or alcohol use to people with children. The children may or may not be resident with the parents to access the service. Practical support, such as positive parenting and...
A Big Lottery Funded programme to help people over come barriers to improve their self esteem, self confidence and become more involved in their community. Variety of options such as 1 to 1 work, groups, courses and activitie...
Confidential and free service. Clean equipment available for injecting such as needles, cookers, disposal bins. Also foil for smoking. Safe disposal of used equipment available.
Group sessions focusing on giving people the tools to manage their recovery from their addictive behaviour. Generally drug and alcohol but can be any addictive behaviour.
Tenancy support provided to people who at risk of losing their home. Practical help and advice. Benefits work.
Young person specific service based at Info-Nation on the Kingsway for people aged 11years to 25 years. Looking at harm reduction, support and advice on drugs and / or alcohol issues. Plus education, prevention work and diver...