As a Community Interest Company, our business has a primary social objective. We aim to tackle a wide range of social and environmental issues and we operate in all parts of our economy - using business solutions to achieve public good. We believe that being a Social Enterprise Company; we have a distinct and valuable role to play in helping to create a strong, sustainable and socially inclusive economy. We have many fantastic links with other organisations, which all operate for the good of our local community. We are fully committed to investing our resources into to making all services accessible to our clients, working
together in partnership to achieve our overall learning objectives. We aim to improve our clients’ quality of life and our experienced staff are appropriately trained to enable them to provide valuable support to them and their families.
We provide centre based day services run throughout the week and involve group sessions for our clients to help them learn and progress their independent life skills in the form of cookery/healthy eating sessions, literacy & numeracy, personal development, money management, wellbeing and current affairs sessions. Media, arts & crafts, recycling, environmental and bush craft sessions enable our clients to gain new skills and confidence and reinforce skills learnt from prior sessions.
We run group activities, such as community projects at Cilgerran Wildlife Centre promote teamwork skills, community involvement, social presence and work experience.
Art therapy sessions provided by the VC Gallery allow our clients to be creative and express themselves through medium of art. Health and wellbeing sessions, such as basketball and boccia enable our clients to maintain an active, healthy life and be part of a social group.
Wednesday group sessions involve supported target shooting sessions at Milford Haven Leisure Centre. This target shooting club is our own club, which we have recently set up so that vulnerable people in the community can take part is this sport. We have disability friendly ranges to practice their skills and acquire a high level of ability. The club is a nationally affiliated club and some of our clients have achieved medals at national level competitions. This has given our clients confidence and a sense of achievement.
Our Saturday club provides project sessions in bio diversity, recycling and conservation within the local community has provided our clients with knowledge of environmental sustainability.
We are a community interest company that look at facilitating services for vulnerable people within their local community. We provide day services within group sessions, and also community based 1:1 sessions.
All of our sessi...