Emmaus South Wales is a homelessness charity based in Bridgend that provides a home, meaningful work opportunities and a future for individuals who have faced homelessness and social exclusion. We call the people we support o...
Singing, dancing, arts and crafts. Children have free squash and toast.
Renew @ The Ark is a safe place where it's okay not to be okay! A friendly welcome awaits whether you just want some company, someone to talk to or to come and share a hobby or learn a new one. Enjoy the peace in our quiet a...
Yn Conwy rydym yn cynnig llety â chymorth dros dro i fenywod sy'n agored i niwed - yn sengl neu gyda plant.
Rydym yn cynnig dull cyfannol ac yn cefnogi pobl ag ystod eang o anghenion.
Tra'n cartrefu gyda Stori...
Serenity Movement & Meditation offers multi-discipline Yoga and mat-based Pilates classes across South Wales.
Hi I’m Julie and I live in Gwersyllt with my family. I have been caring for and supporting people for 5 years and love my job.
Services available but not limited to
• Socialising and companionship
• Care and s...
Byddwch yn gallu cysylltu ag eiriolwr sy’n anfeirniadol, sy’n parchu anghenion, barn a phrofiadau pobl, ac a fydd yn gwrando, yn cynnig dewisiadau, yn eich cynrychioli a’ch grymuso.
Bydd eich eiriolwr yn eich cynor...
Cylch Ti a Fi i rieni a plant cyn oed ysgol.
AIMS supports all maternity service users to navigate the system as it exists, and campaigns for a system which truly meets the needs of all. The AIMS Helpline volunteers are all experienced in providing information and suppo...
Gweithgareddau ar gyfer pobl ifanc
Os ydych yn ansicr ble i ddod o hyd i gymorth, yn angen gwybodaeth neu eisiau cael mynediad i un o’n gwasanaethau, cysylltwch â’n hwb cymunedol a siaradwch ag aelod o’n tîm, a fydd yn gallu eich cyfeirio at y cyfeiriad cywir....
We provide support and early intervention for families and children with social communication challenges/Autistic Spectrum Disorder. We provide pre school nursery sessions, parent and child group, after school provision and s...
Mae Mind Conwy yn elusen leol sy'n gysylltiedig â Mind, sefydliad Iechyd meddwl mwyaf blaenllaw'r DU ac rydym yn ymroddedig i ddarparu gwasanaethau sy'n cefnogi Iechyd meddwl. Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o wasanaethau - os oes...
We take part in activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, camping, photography, climbing and zorbing. You can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming, or even how to fly a plane. There’s something for every...
Community outreach for adults, children and families. Achieved with a heart that wants to make a difference to individuals and our community.
Barod provide free, confidential support to anyone affected by substance use. Our approach is based on harm reduction principles and we deliver evidenced-based psychosocial interventions to those that access our services.
NYAS provides a range of rights based services for children, young people and vulnerable adults. We made the decision to extend our services to include vulnerable adults because we recognised that some of the challenges facin...
Bawso delivers specialist support services to people from Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) background who are affected by domestic abuse and other forms of abuse including Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage, Honour Bas...
A.S.D Rainbows is a charity that aims to support children with Autism and their families by providing early intervention for young children. A.S.D Rainbows will support families with children who are diagnosed or going throug...
Rydym yn darparu clwb ar ôl ysgol i blant 5 i 10 oed, ar ddydd Llun a dydd Mawrth 3.15 i 4.45pm.
Rydym hefyd yn cynnal CHWARAE MYNEDIAD AGORED i blant a phobl ifanc rhwng 5 a 14 oed ar ddydd Mercher a dydd Iau 3.15 i 4....