Cruse Sir Gâr


Cruse Bereavement Care Wales’s vision is that all bereaved people have somewhere to turn when someone dies: Rhywle i droi pan fydd rhywun wedi marw.

Our Areas and Branches offer free and confidential services provided by trained volunteers.

In Wales there are seven Areas:

Cardiff and the Vale Area
Gwent Area
Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf Area
Morgannwg Branch
Powys Area
West Wales Area
North Wales Area
Contact us at any of these to find out what services we offer where you live.

Cruse UK National helpline: 0808 808 1677.

Darparwyd gan Cruse Sir Gâr Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Haverfordwest, Sir Benfro
P O Box 34, , Haverfordwest, SA611YS
01267 235130

Cruse provides information, advice and support in the community to children, young people and adults when someone has died.