Freystrop Village Hall & Playing Field Management Committee



01437 890297

The committee manages the use of Freystrop Village Hall and the playing field.
Freystrop Village Hall stands beside the main road whilst the community playing field and children's play ground is along Targate Road. There is a bus shelter and public telephone on the junction with the main road.

The Village Hall and Playing Field Management Committee are a dedicated group who take responsibility for ensuring that the Village Hall has all the required licenses.

An Entertainment Committee organises dances and residents enjoy an annual fete and strawberry tea. In the past there was a busy social calendar with regular whist drives, dances, local drama productions and live music in the Village Hall. Celebrations marked special occasions such as royal weddings and more recently, the Millennium.

207 New Road, Freystrop, Haverfordwest, SA62 4LQ
01437 890297

Use of hall for community activities and for hire