L'Arche Brecon



01874 624483

Care home for adults with learning difficulties.

We also provide a separate day service with Rebound Books which is a workshop Monday to Friday offering 2 sessions per day in a supportive workshop creating notebooks, cards and diaries.
This service provides a community space where people can build skills be part of a team and help create a beautiful product which is sold to support the workshop.

These books are sold via a website, through bookshops and events which offer opportunities for people to learn more skills.

Darparwyd gan L'Arche Brecon Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Brecon, Powys Gofalwyr Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Anabledd
L'Arche Brecon Community, First Floor, 2 Wheat Street, Brecon, LD3 7DG
01874 624483 brecon@larche.org.uk

Care home for adults with learning difficulties.

We also provide a separate day service with Rebound Books which is a workshop Monday to Friday offering 2 sessions per day in a supportive workshop creating notebooks, cards...