Powys Careline


If you require any further information on our service please contact the team direct on 01597 827639 / 0345 602 7039 or email as at careline.admin @powys.gov.uk. You can also look on the Powys Council Website: www.powys.gov.uk

Darparwyd gan Powys Careline Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Llandrindod Wells, Powys Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol
The Gwalia, Ithon Road, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6AA
01597 827639 careline.admin@powys.gov.uk

Personal alarm service for elderly, infirm and vulnerable adults. Application forms available through the Powys County Council public website, Careline admin e-mail or by telephone.