Shared Lives Powys

Shared Lives Powys offers support and accommodation options for individuals who have some support needs. Those needs may be defined by having a learning disability, mental health problems, a sensory impairment or by being older. Individuals are provided with support an accommodation in the homes of approved Shared Lives Carers.

Darparwyd gan Shared Lives Powys Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Llandrindod Wells , Powys Iechyd Meddwl Anabledd Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol
Shared Lives Powys , The Gwalia , Ithon Road , Llandrindod Wells , LD1 6AA
01597 826539

Shared Lives offers support and accommodation to vulnerable adults in the homes of Shared Lives Carers. The service is open to adults 18+ who have learning disabilities, mental health difficulties, sensory impairments or phys...