We are a Welsh charity that has the in-house expertise and experience to prepare your charity accounts and carry out your Independent Examination for far less than it costs with a high street accountancy firm. This means you...
Are you in receipt of a Direct Payment to buy the care and support you need?
Are you struggling to find the support you need and employ people to meet the very highest levels of your expectations?
Are you able to manage whe...
Cymryd Rhan is an award winning charity that has worked with communities in Wales for almost 40 years. We are not afraid of change, and have experience in running large Health & Social Care contracts, Individual Direct Payme...
You’re never going to make 100% of your employees happy 100% of the time, but what you can do is find out if there are one or two common threads that may be impacting employee morale negatively and work on those.
“Culture is...