

Cafwyd hyd i 4176 gwasanaethau

Darparwyd gan Gwasanaeth Cyngor Cymunedol Parc Caia. Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme. Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Prince Charles Road, , Wrexham, LL13 8TH
01978 290614

Gwasanaeth Cynghori . Mae'r lleoliad hwn yn rhan o Gynllun Croesawu Bwydo ar y Fron. Mae'r cynllun yn annog ac yn cefnogi menywod i fwydo ar y fron tra'ch bod chi allan. Mae'r Cynllun Croesawu Bwydo ar y Fron wedi'i sefydlu...

Darparwyd gan Arts Care Gofal Celf Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Carmarthen, Sir Gaerfyrddin Cymuned Lles Celfyddydau / Diwylliant / Treftadaeth
24 King Street, , Carmarthen, SA31 1BS
01267 243815

A wonderful project funded by CAVS loneliness and isolation fund, enabling us to bring people together via creativity with a focus on nature and our local beauty spots.

Darparwyd gan Arts Care Gofal Celf Gwasanaeth ar gael yn llandysul, Sir Gaerfyrddin Celfyddydau / Diwylliant / Treftadaeth Lles Iechyd Meddwl
chapel street, , llandysul, SA44 4AH
01267 243815

Varied arts programme offering adults who have experienced mental ill health with the opportunity to work with professional artists in a community setting, all FREE with thanks to Hywel Dda Health Board

Darparwyd gan Arts Care Gofal Celf Gwasanaeth ar gael yn ammanford, Sir Gaerfyrddin Celfyddydau / Diwylliant / Treftadaeth Lles Iechyd Meddwl
3 wind street, , ammanford, SA18 3DN
01267 243815

Varied arts programme offering adults who have experienced mental ill health with the opportunity to work with professional artists in a community setting, all FREE with thanks to Hywel Dda Health Board

Darparwyd gan WAY Widowed and Young Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
, , ,
0300 201 0051

WAY yw’r unig elusen genedlaethol yn y Deyrnas Unedig i ddynion a menywod a oedd yn 50 oed neu’n iau pan fu farw eu partner. Mae’n grŵp cymorth cymheiriaid sy’n cael ei redeg gan rwydwaith o wirfoddolwyr sydd wedi dioddef pro...

Darparwyd gan Dinas Powys Voluntary Concern Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Dinas Powys, Bro Morgannwg
Sunnycroft Lane, , Dinas Powys, CF64 4QQ
029 20513700

Friendly, caring, local volunteers who provide support and friendship to those who feel isolated and lonely.
We provide transport to Dinas Powys Medical Centre for anyone living within Dinas Powys. Our service runs every...

Darparwyd gan Community Agent - PEN-Y-BRYN Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
George Edwards Hall, Well Street, Wrexham,

Community Agents are an innovative response to a recognised need that many people living in our communities are unable to connect with key services that help and maintain well-being and support their quality of life.

Darparwyd gan Deva House Older Peoples Centre Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrecsam
Prince Charles Road, , ,
01978 355971

Deva House provides high quality day care for adults and older people in a friendly and informal atmosphere.

Deva House provides a number of essential services aimed at supporting people to remain independent, impr...

Darparwyd gan The Fathom Trust Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Bwlch, Brecon LD3 7JL, Powys Cymuned Iechyd Meddwl Lles
Llanfellte, Bwlch LD3 7JL, , Bwlch, Brecon LD3 7JL, LD3 7jl

We provide safe, calm and creative environments for people to develop new skills, relationships and perspectives.

The Fathom Trust creates opportunities for individuals to learn to live deeply, in harmony with ourselves,...

Darparwyd gan Deva House Older Peoples Centre: Meals on Wheels Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrecsam
Prince Charles Road, , ,
01978 355971

The Meals on Wheels service provides hot, freshly prepared, nutritious meals to your door. The meals are prepared daily and are designed to be delicious and nutritious.

As well as providing a hot meal the service p...

Darparwyd gan Llanfairfechan Neuadd Gymunedol Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
, , ,
01248 681697

Neuadd gymunedol yng nghanol Llanfairfechan. Cynnal amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau, grwpiau lleol ac elusennau.

Darparwyd gan Grwp Rhieni a Phlant Ysgol Gynradd Froncysysllte Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrecsam
Woodlands Rd, Froncysyllte, ,
01691 773310

Grwpiau Rhieni a Phlant Bach
Mae grwpiau rhieni a phlant bach yn sesiynau anffurfiol lle gall rhieni, gofalwyr, gofalwyr plant a’u plant fynd i gael hwyl a chwrdd â phobl newydd. Mae rhieni/gofalwyr yn aros gyda, ac yn g...

Darparwyd gan North Montgomeryshire Volunteer Bureau Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Welshpool, Powys Cymuned
Severn Farm Business Centre, 15, Severn Farm Industrial Estate, Welshpool, SY21 7DF

Volunteers are recruited to provide one-off/temporary support for local people within North Montgomeryshire. It could be painting a fence, shopping or collecting a prescription. This is a time-limited service for those in te...

Darparwyd gan KIM Inspire - Wrecsam sesiwn galw heibio Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Crown Buildings, 31 Chester Street, Wrexham,
01978 298110

Mae Kim Inspire yn darparu cymorth Iechyd Meddwl yn y gymuned gan gynnwys gweithgareddau a arweinir gan grŵp. Mae grwpiau'n cynnwys cy-morth i ddynion, menywod a phobl ifanc. Fel tîm yr Hyb Llesiant pan fyddant ar gael nesaf...

Darparwyd gan Gwasanaeth Awtistiaeth Integredig - Hwb Lles Wrecsam Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Crown Buildings, 31 Chester Street, Wrexham,
01978 298110

Mae’r Gwasanaeth Awtistiaeth Integredig yn rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad manwl ar yr heriau mae pobl awtistig a’u teuluoedd yn eu hwynebu. Holwch y tîm Hwb Lles pryd maent ar gael nesaf am sgwrs

Darparwyd gan DYDD LLUN HAPUS - Wrecsam Gofalwyr Di-dâl Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Wrexham, Wrecsam
Crown Buildings, 31 Chester Street, Wrexham,
01978 298110

Sesiynau celf a chrefft
Rhoi cyfle i chi wneud cyfeillgarwch, cysylltu ag eraill sy'n deal y rôl ofalu, tra'n rhannu sgyrsiau o ddiddordeb

I archebu lle - Julie Owen

Darparwyd gan Clwb Bechgyn a Merched Castell-nedd Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Neath, Powys
71 Briton Ferry Road, , Neath, SA11 1AR

Mae clwb bechgyn a merched Castell-nedd yn darparu gweithgareddau i bobl ifanc.

Sylwch fod yr adeilad ar gau ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer gwaith adnewyddu.

Darparwyd gan PostScript 360 Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Bristol BS15 8DB, Powys
First floor, East Wing Kingswood Estate, Britannia Road, Bristol BS15 8DB, BS15 8DB
0117 9663629

PostScript360 supports people to reduce the harms caused by prescription drugs, prescribed or bought illicitly. We specialise in Benzodiazepines , Z Drugs- sleeping tablets, painkillers, Pregabalin and other similar drugs of...

Darparwyd gan Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome Association UK Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
77, Wilbury Hills Road, , SG6 4LD
0151 342 1660

We are a registered charity providing information and support to sufferers of Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (CVA) and their families. CVS is characterised by recurrent, prolonged attacks of severe vomiting, nausea and lethargy,...

Darparwyd gan The Movement Centre Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
, , ,
01691 404248

The Movement Centre works with children and their families from across the UK to provide a unique, evidence-based therapy called 'Targeted Training.'

The children who visit The Movement Centre have cerebral palsy,...