

Cafwyd hyd i 4202 gwasanaethau

Darparwyd gan Menter Iaith Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Swansea, Abertawe Plant a Theuluoedd Ieuenctid
Ty Tawe, 9 Christina Street, Swansea, SA1 4EW
01792 460906

Youth support services, Welsh medium, children and families services, rhyme time, training for staff, coffee mornings, translation, Welsh folk music session, playgroups

Darparwyd gan Eastside Foodbank Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Bonymaen, Abertawe Cymuned Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol
Mount Zion Baptist Church, Mansel Road, Bonymaen, SA1 7AU
01792 412755

Provision of essential items usually consisting of three days worth of food to people in financial crisis.

Darparwyd gan Cornerstone Church Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Swansea, Abertawe Plant a Theuluoedd Crefydd
Cornerstone Church, 32 Mynydd Newydd Road, Swansea, SA5 5AE
01792 516031

Little Rascals is a Mother, Toddler and Baby Group

Darparwyd gan Cornerstone Church Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Swansea, Abertawe Cymuned Crefydd
2 Neath Road, , Swansea, SA6 8EF
01792 516031

Tea and coffee followed by church service

Darparwyd gan Cornerstone Church Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Swansea, Abertawe Crefydd Ieuenctid
2 Neath Road, , Swansea, SA6 8EF
01792 516031

Cornerstone Church run a Youth group for 11 - 16 year olds

Floor 4, Linen Court, 10 East Road, , London, N1 6AD
0800 520 5200

Our Helplines offer free, confidential information on all aspects of living with arthritis. We also offer a range of publications which can be accessed through Helplines or downloaded from our website.

Haven's Head Business Park, , Milford Haven, SA733LD

Provision of food, clothing and small household items to those in need, through a voucher scheme.

PATCH, 81 Charles street, Milford Haven, SA73 2HA
01646 699275 www.patchcharity,

Collection and provision of Christmas presents for children who would not otherwise receive them.

Darparwyd gan Bi Swansea Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Unit 4a, Princess Walk, Abertawe Cymuned
Coffee #1, 24 Nelson Street, Unit 4a, Princess Walk, SA1 5HE
Text only: 07982 308812 (please note this is not a staffed telephone number - we will respond to texts as soon as we can)

Monthly meet for bisexual people and allies.
Bi Swansea is a peer support and networking group, run by people attracted to more than one gender for people attracted to more than one gender in the Swansea area. We meet to di...

Darparwyd gan Bi Swansea Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Swansea, Abertawe Cymuned Addysg a hyfforddiant Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol
c/o The Swansea Drop-in Centre, 71 High Street, Swansea, SA1 1LN
Text only: 07982 308812

Training delivered by bisexual people and people attracted to more than one gender to organisations on the specific issues and concerns facing the bi community in Wales and how to design services to meet the needs, wishes and...

Darparwyd gan Community Action Machynlleth and District Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Machynlleth, Powys Iechyd Meddwl
Care Centre, Forge Road, Machynlleth, SY208EQ
01654 700071

CAMAD Pathways is a drop-in service for anyone suffering mental health issues. The service is confidential, friendly and in a comfortable environment. Service users can feel free to chat and enjoy sympathetic company, with so...

St. Giles Church Hall, St. David's Road, Letterston, SA625SL
01834 861999 or 07913 989624

The foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis. We also take time to listen and signpost people to further support.

Darparwyd gan Uzmaston Luncheon Club Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Haverfordwest, Sir Benfro Pobl hŷn Cymuned
Uzmaston Church Hall, Uzmaston, Haverfordwest, SA624AA
01437 765515

Provides a monthly opportunity to meet over lunch. Lunches provided on the last Thursday of each month. Tickets for lunch to be purchased by the Friday of the week prior to the lunch.

YFC Office, Agriculture House, Winch Lane, Haverfordwest, SA611RW
01437 762639

A rural youth organisation for young people aged 10 to 28 years old. Each club sets its own itinerary of weekly activities, which have included - stock judging, fancy dress, trips, talks, visits from police dogs, face paintin...

Hawthorn Project, Hawthorn Rise, Haverfordwest, SA612AX
01437 761330

The Hawthorn Project was originally set up as Pembrokeshire Children's Centre in August 2000. A group of parents who all had children with disabilities known as 'PAG' (Parents Action Group) campaigned for a service to offer s...

Hawthorn Project, Hawthorn Rise, Haverfordwest, SA612AX
01437 761330

THis is a monthly group providing support with relaxation and complimentary therapies for parents who have long term, high needs caring responsibilities for a child with a life threatening illness or severe care needs provisi...

Darparwyd gan Cymdeithas Gofal Sir Benfro Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Haverfordwest, Sir Benfro Cyngor ac eiriolaeth Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Tai
7 Picton Place, , Haverfordwest, SA61 2LE
01437 765 335 / 0800 783 5001

Grant Cefnogi Pobl Cynulliad Cymru sydd yn ariannu'r cynllun hwn a weinyddir gan yr Awdurdod Lleol. Mae'r gwasanaeth yn cynnig cefnogaeth lefel isel ar hyd pob daliadaeth ar gyfer grwpiau cleientiaid. Mae'r

gwasanaeth yn...

6 Bridge Street, 6 Bridge Street, Cardigan, SA43 1HY

Cefnogaeth Symudol yn ystod y gwasanaethau a gynigiwn i unigolion sy'n profi neu wedi profi cam-drin domestig, ond nid ydynt ar hyn o bryd yn byw mewn lloches.

Ein Gwasanaethau Symudol yn anelu at eich galluogi i deimlo'n d...

Meadow View, Upper Thornton, Milford Haven, sa733uf

We are a community interest company that look at facilitating services for vulnerable people within their local community. We provide day services within group sessions, and also community based 1:1 sessions.
All of our sessi...

6 Bridge Street, 6 Bridge Street, Cardigan, SA43 1HY

Cymorth cynhwysfawr ar gyfer unrhyw un a effeithir gan gamdriniaeth ddomestigLlinell gymorth 24 awr: 01970 625 585 Mewn argyfwng, er enghraifft os ydych chi neu unrhyw un o'ch teulu mewn perygl dybryd, bob amser yn ffonio'r h...