

Cafwyd hyd i 4222 gwasanaethau

Darparwyd gan Dinas Powys Parent and Toddler Group - Community Centre - Murch Dinas Powys Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Dinas Powys, Bro Morgannwg
Scout Hall, Highwalls Road, Dinas Powys,

Parent/Grandparent, baby & toddler group, Dinas Powys.

Meeting Friday afternoons 13:15-14:45 during school term time (not school holidays) in the Scout Hall, Highwalls Road, Dinas Powys.

Free Play | Cra...

Darparwyd gan SNAP Cymru (De orllewin Cymru a Chanolbarth Cymru) Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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0808 801 0608

Mae SNAP Cymru yn darparu gwybodaeth, cyngor a chefnogaeth i rieni plant a phobl, sydd wedi neu a allai fod ag anghenion addysgol arbennig ac anableddau.

Darparwn y gwasanaethau diduedd a chyfrinachol canlynol yn r...

Darparwyd gan Afasic Gwasanaeth ar gael yn London, Powys
15 Old Ford Road, , London, E2 9PJ
0300 666 9410

Afasic supports and provides information for families with children and young adults who have Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) with a focus on Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).

SLCN is the term u...

Darparwyd gan NEWCIS - Bridging the Gap: Respite - Wrexham Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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01352 752525

Bridging The Gap (BTG) is NEWCIS’ respite scheme that provides you with a short period of rest from your caring role. A short break from your caring role could include attending a personal appointment, a NEWCIS event or socia...

Darparwyd gan Gofal a Thrwsio Gwynedd a Môn Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Bangor, Powys
Unit 8-9, Llys y Fedwen, Bangor, LL57 4BL
01286 889 360

Rydym yn helpu pobl hŷn sy'n berchnogion ar eu cartrefi neu yn denantiaid preifat - i atgyweirio, addasu a chynnal a chadw eu cartrefi er mwyn sicrhau bod eu cartref yn le saff, diogel a chlyd i fyw ynddo.
Byddwn yn ymwe...

Darparwyd gan Alzheimer's Society Cymru - Dementia Support Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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0333 150 3456

Dementia Connect provides you with information and practical support to help you understand more about dementia, and support you to live well with dementia.

The service aims to ensure that you:
- have accurate...

Darparwyd gan NYAS - National Youth Advocacy Service Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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0151 649 8700

National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) supports children and young people by helping them to be heard within the decision making processes. We provide confidential and independent advocacy, advice, information and legal repre...

Darparwyd gan Barry and Cardiff Sugarcraft club Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Bro Morgannwg
Port Road, Wenvoe, , CF5 6AL
01446 404848

Friendly and sociable group/club for anyone who has an in interest in baking particularly sugarcraft, meetings include a demonstration of a different sugarcraft skill by a local talented cake decorator. If you would also like...

Darparwyd gan British Red Cross in Wales Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Cardiff, Powys
Unit 9, Village Way, Cardiff, CF15 7NE
02920 695740

The British Red Cross provides a wide range of services throughout the Wales area. The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. We are part of a global voluntary network, responding to conflict...

Darparwyd gan Inside Out Cymru Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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Inside Out Cymru is an Arts and Mental Health charity delivering arts workshops and activities across Gwent.

Our aims are to:

Provide creative arts workshops in a safe, friendly environment, facilitated...

Darparwyd gan Maes Cynnes efo Gemau Bwrdd @ Canolfan Powerhouse Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Caerdydd
The Power House, Maelfa, , CF23 9PN
029 2233 0201

Ymuno a Judith yn ein maes cynnes, cael paned o de, bisged a sgwrs - a chwarae gemau bwrdd!

Darparwyd gan Gogledd Cymru Cerrig Camu Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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01978 352717

Rhydym yn cynnig nifer o wasanaethau gan gynnwys:
Cwnsela wyneb yn wyneb, o bell, (ar-lein/ffon)
Cyrsiau ac adnoddau seicoaddysgiadol
Seisynau allgymorth addysgol ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol.

Darparwyd gan Edmans and Co Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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Edmans & Co is a premier law firm specializing in Spouse Visa applications, offering expert legal assistance to individuals seeking to bring their spouse to the UK. Our dedicated team understands the intricate requirements an...

Darparwyd gan SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity South East Wales Branch Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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029 2294 1004

SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association) We help veterans and service personnel, and their families, in the local community and we rely on public donations to continue our work. Our commitment is to provide...

Darparwyd gan Splice Child and Family Project Ltd Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Bridgend, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Community Based Centre, North Avenue, Bridgend, CF33 6ND
01656 503141

Splice offers a family centered service which aims to support parents/carers to play and learn with their children, developing both children and families confidence and self-esteem.
Splice provides:
A Stay and Play...

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01424 732361

Our fertility support groups meetings are facilitated by staff members or volunteers. They are welcoming, informal and yours!
The groups run online and are a fantastic opportunity to hear from and speak to others who rea...

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01424 732361

Our fertility support groups meetings are facilitated by staff members or volunteers. They are welcoming, informal and yours!
The groups run online and are a fantastic opportunity to hear from and speak to others who rea...

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01424 732361

Our fertility support groups meetings are facilitated by staff members or volunteers. They are welcoming, informal and yours!
The groups run online and are a fantastic opportunity to hear from and speak to others who rea...

Darparwyd gan Grŵp Ffrwythlondeb Cymru Gyfan (ar lein) Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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01424 732361

Mae ein cyfarfodydd grwpiau cymorth ffrwythlondeb yn cael eu hwyluso gan aelodau o staff neu wirfoddolwyr. Maen nhw'n groesawgar, yn anffurfiol a'ch un chi!
Mae'r grwpiau'n rhedeg ar-lein ac yn gyfle gwych i glywed gan e...

Darparwyd gan Paddle-Ability Gwasanaeth ar gael yn Powys
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Os ydych chi’n teimlo’n unig neu’n ynysig beth am ddod i fwynhau amser ar y dŵr gyda’n clwb Gallu Padlo, gwneud ffrindiau newydd, mwynhau’r teimlad tawel ac ymlaciol o fod ar y dŵr a dod yn rhan o’n cymuned.